Three ways to reduce waste and improve your health

This pandemic hasn't just had a huge impact on us socially and economically, the medical and plastic waste being created is going to be disastrous for the environment.

We can all do our bit to reduce our eco-footprint while also improving our health.

Ditch single-use

At Nightcap Ridge, we don’t use or provide single-use plastics. When we travel, we’re disgusted at the amount of single-use plastics such as bottled water and those little shampoos and conditioners.

We buy our bath, kitchen and cleaning products in bulk and we have cute dispenser bottles for our guests to use.

We use bulk eco-products in our cottage bathrooms

For the kitchen, the tea and sugar is wrapped in paper, the oil, salt and pepper is bought in bulk and the coffee is bought from Moonshine Coffee in bulk and we put it into single use jars for our guests.

We minimise single use plastics wherever possible in the cottage kitchens

We use local Northern Rivers company, Simply Clean for dishwashing detergent and cleaning products. They’re earth safe, cruelty free and vegan and free from sodium lauryl sulfate and sodium laureth sulfate, parabens and mineral oils. These products are really fantastic and you should consider supporting this Aussie business.   

For the bathroom we use Eco Fresh products. They are free from parabens and mineral oils, vegetable-based, cruelty free and they use biodegradable packaging.

Grow your own

We have chooks who provide eggs and get rid of all our kitchen scraps, thereby reducing the amount of food waste we’re sending to landfill.

Growing your own veggies means you’re cutting down on all that plastic it’s wrapped in. It also means you’re not exposing yourself and your family to the pesticides proven to cause cancer.

Basil in our Nightcap kitchen garden

Even if you’re in an apartment, you can have a great range of herbs such as basil or mint in pots or hanging planters to use in your cooking or cocktails. The plastic used to cover herbs are actually good for seedling trays so if you have to buy that rosemary, make sure to reuse the tray.  

Get on the bags

This is probably the easiest way to look after mother nature! Keep a big bag of bags in the boot of your car and remember to take them into the shop. Once you empty your shopping, leave your bags at the front door.  

Remember the bags!

Reusable produce bags are brilliant and you won’t need to use those thin plastic bags which go straight in the bin.


Book your stay at Nightcap.  

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